Hi, I’m
Elly Oldenbourg.
Positive, contagious and scrutinizing Gen Y with a multicultural background and an experienced manager, most recently for many years at Google. For the past years I’ve been also advocating publicly and in organizations for a more future-proof (working) world through various roles, i.e. as a guest lecturer at the renown Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT), as a consultant, speaker or interview partner, as the host of a philosophical salon or a supervisory board member of the World Future Council. In 2024 my first book WORKSHIFT was published (Campus) and was highlighted by media outlets such as Handelsblatt, Deutschlandfunk, The Pioneer or Wirtschaftswoche, and was voted by the ‘Börsenblatt des Deutschen Buchhandels’ as one of 2024’s top business bestsellers.